Guaranteed low prices: we'll refund the difference

Low price guaranteed: we refund the difference

Our commitment, refund the difference if you find a cheaper price elsewhere

"refund the difference if you find cheaper elsewhere"
If on the same product and except promotion you find within 7 days an equivalent offer at a lower price, all taxes included, we commit ourselves to refund you the difference in voucher. (Subject to presentation of proof of the competitor)

It is the insurance of a purchase by Internet in all serenity, and with the best conditions!
In order to offer you a quality service in online sales, we are committed to making customer satisfaction one of our priorities. And it all starts with buying at the best conditions.

Take advantage of our unbeatable prices on the market
Growshops is committed to offering you the best prices on the market as well as a wide choice of our products and equipment (we have more than 1300 references).

The selling prices of the products are those in force at the time of the recording of the order except participation in the expenses of sending which are the responsibility of the customer.

The selling prices of the products can be modified at any time by the occurrence of external events. An invoice, serving as a guarantee if necessary, is sent upon delivery.