Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between plant roots and certain beneficial fungi. This mutually beneficial relationship improves plant health, nutrient uptake and resistance to environmental stress.

Mycorrhizae: A beneficial symbiosis for plants and their growth

Definition of mycorrhizae

Mycorrhizae are structures formed by the interaction between plant roots and the mycelial filaments of fungi. This symbiosis enables the fungi to establish an extensive network in the soil, increasing the absorption surface of plant roots and improving their ability to absorb nutrients, such as phosphorus and trace elements, more efficiently.

Types of mycorrhizae

There are two main types of mycorrhizae: endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae. Endomycorrhizae penetrate root cells, while ectomycorrhizae form an outer sheath around the roots. Each type of mycorrhizae has its own specificities and interactions with plants.

Advantages of mycorrhizae

Mycorrhizae offer numerous benefits to plants. They improve nutrient uptake, particularly of phosphorus, which is often present in limited quantities in the soil. They also boost plant resistance to abiotic stresses such as drought, extreme temperatures and saline soils. What's more, mycorrhizae improve soil structure by promoting particle aggregation and increasing water retention.

Use of mycorrhizae in horticulture

Mycorrhizae are widely used in horticulture, whether in conventional or organic farming, or in home gardening. They are often incorporated into growing substrates, soil amendments or specific inoculant products to promote root development, plant growth and disease resistance.

Application of mycorrhizae

To benefit from the positive effects of mycorrhizae, it's important to choose products containing strains of fungi adapted to specific crops. Mycorrhizae can be applied at the time of planting, by root soaking or by incorporation into the growing medium. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and ensure conditions favorable to the establishment of symbiosis, including good watering and appropriate cultural practices.

Mycorrhizae play an essential role in improving plant health and the sustainability of cropping systems. By integrating mycorrhizae into your gardening or farming practices, you promote vigorous plant growth, better nutrient uptake and increased resistance to environmental stress. By optimizing the presence of mycorrhizae in your crops, you can improve productivity, crop quality and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

Importance of research and innovation

Mycorrhizae is a constantly evolving field of research, with new discoveries and applications emerging regularly. It's essential to keep abreast of scientific advances and products available on the market to benefit from the latest innovations in mycorrhizae.

Practical tips for promoting mycorrhizae

To optimize the presence of mycorrhizae in your garden or farm, here are a few practical tips:

  • Avoid excessive use of chemical fertilizers, which can inhibit the development of mycorrhizal fungi.
  • Maintain good soil structure by promoting adequate aeration and drainage.
  • Avoid aggressive cultivation methods that could damage the mycelial filaments of mycorrhizae.
  • Use organic amendments rich in organic matter to encourage the development of soil micro-organisms, including mycorrhizal fungi.
  • Avoid aggressive fungicide products that could harm mycorrhizae.

In conclusion

Mycorrhizae are beneficial partners for plants, promoting growth and resistance. By understanding how they work and integrating their use into your horticultural practices, you can improve the health and performance of your crops. Explore the mycorrhizae-specific products and techniques available on the market, and follow the experts' advice to reap the full benefits of this fascinating symbiosis.

Our selection of mycorrhizae products